I had no idea what happened…

What is happening to myself now, like, how I was crazy one time? But in reality, I did twice during from January to May, I feel I’m on a situation and I probably going to be depressed, alone, and helpless.

So, what are the current situation?

Well, this is not the first time I got in this situation, but I feel this is becoming slightly worse every time I mess the thing up. Ima explain it:

At May 5 at 3:43pm (15:43), one of my friends asked me if I feel so gay (mostly probably because of the status I put), and then asked if I want to get rubbed. So, I say yes, he asked now where is, unfortunately, my mind couldn’t handle it (if I want to get headpet but probably might be forced doing such weird thing), then I just told it in the belly (yeah that’s a bad idea), and yes it was below of this part, yep, it was embarrassing to me and my friend (he accidentally took off my pants, never do it again 😭).

He told me to block… at its own friend? Like, why end friendship in just two day? I had no idea what is happening to me. We probably might be dirt minded… for no reason.

I didn’t want to repeat myself like it happened to my friend Max (yeah, this is my friend from Mexico), while we’re role-playing, then suddenly it took a turn, real bad. But I’m still aware why it keeps happening.

So, what’s now? I’m not sure when will I talk to my friend again. So turns out today, my friend attempted suicide, like, what’s happening to him.

Was my fault? Not sure. Anyway, that’s for it the story, but I still have some religion conflict, was yesterday too.

So, while I was playing as solo (right before the owner of a game joined), there was a guy asked me about it, then I was confused on it, and then, he argued so much and had to temporarily block him, then when the owner came it, two of them begged it to ban me from the game, but his plan backfired so bad enough to keep up, instead, the owner decided to ban two of them.

What’s now?

Not sure, but I’d like to control myself and the situation further and move out. At this moment I’m trying to contact my friend, like had to wait for him to respond, if not he probably might be in hospital or worse, he is dead.

Message to my friend

I felt so bad for you, I didn’t want to do that, but I’d hope you recover from it.

Love you.
